10172023 03:28PM

DREAM: I start out as a Goddess. I have to destroy the earth to get to the next stage of something. I end up dying in a battle at some point. Then, as I am trying to destroy the earth, I create gravity waves by forcing myself to go down into a hole carrying and someone is with me (who I think might be an enemy.) We end up becoming friends, however (I think.) I then end up trying to impregnate a woman. However, my penis looks like it is loaded with nuclear weapons so I have to be careful not to destroy her in the process of impregnating her. I went through some kind of gravitational force field controlling obstacle course. I am not sure if I was successful with what I was trying to do. Later, I end up having to throw a punch to an incomprehensibly scary entity and I could barely muster the strength I needed to do it. At some point, I end up on a ride made by the little organisms in my body with my DNA attached to them. Something about “gator ???.” I am actually overtaken with ecstasy at the ride I am on in this little version of me world. Then as I am on the ride, everything starts turning black, as if it were infected with some kind of infected substance. It turns into a happy ending though, because I end up converting things I saw into major works of art. Then later, a marshmallow creature is making music and I am overtaken with love for this creature. However, the marshmallow creature ends up collaborating with someone I could not feel affection for. It turned out to be Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ was trying to make the marshmallow creature look bad. I end up convincing the marshmallow creature to collaborate with me on music. However, the music I make is so complicated, it took a version 999999.9999999 operating system to make it function. And the actual results of the collaboration looked nothing like I was imagining it with the operating system because the operating system cannot even exist in the first place. However, it was still interesting nonetheless. Then I was at some kind of concert and someone threw firecrackers and my grandfather ends up catching them. I am filling with sentimentality at this point, so the person who was trying to offend me ends up being very embarrassed for trying anything cruel. Later, figuring out that babies that are made are linked to the people who handle food at restaurants or food stores. So I am at some kind of trash dump and I am putting trash into a certain location to try to contaminate the baby birthing process. I end up telling the person handling all of this that my name is more complicated than all the trash they compacted so if I were to be identified for what i was doing, they wouldn’t be able to. Then later, cutting off people’s social networks from communicating with certain aged people for an unknown reason.


08112023 05:15PM

DREAM: Playing a video game system. My sister and I both have a separate profile on the gaming system, and I hoped to myself that she did not use my account. When I get on the game system, I end up at a lake. I jump into the lake, but quickly realize that there could be gators in the lake so I try to jump out of it as soon as possible. I then go water skiing for a while and that is fun, but then I end up jumping out of the water again by mistake. A little girl ends up jumping out at the same time I do and I end up skiing on a concrete path due to inertia from going fast earlier with her in front of me. I then slow down enough to turn around and the little girl disappears after that. I then end up in a street racing game and I am doing well at first. However, I eventually get to a hill that is sloping in a very steep way. As I am about to reach the bottom of the hill, I try slowing down. After I slow down, a cougar emerges (to indicate that I slowed down too much) and eventually I end up working on my engine because the vehicle isn’t going at all and I find a gray cougar head in the engine block. I try to remove it but I end up shelving the whole project because it wouldn’t work with or without the cougar head. I then try a motorcycle game and I get off to a slow start, but eventually, I end up doing a lot of tricks by going up walls and ramps and the like. I think I am actually doing good at this point, but when I get to the finish line, it keeps disappearing and reappearing a foot in front of me, so I can never actually finish the race. This scene was especially haunting because of the way everything on the screen was rendered. It looked like hell imagery. Then something happens, and I am no longer playing the game but I am in a large room with darkened walls. My friend C.L. is there I believe. Soon, I end up hearing someone talking on a walkie-talkie and I think it may be the police. I wake up before I can find out who it was.


08112023 09:52AM

DREAM: Going to a foreign country. An island, perhaps. My father is driving a car to get there. As soon as we enter this foreign country, my father accidentally runs over a pedestrian. I knew he did it out of sheer stupidity, so I decide not to say anything to anyone about it. However, as time goes on, the more people I talk to, the more the truth starts to slip out. I remember talking to someone and they said there are lax laws in this country. This gives me some relief to know this. However, as soon as I tell someone the truth about what happened, I end up seeing people who look like they’re in a jail of some kind. As a result of this, I start feeling like I am in jail. All of this for not telling the truth fast enough about what my father did. I wake up soon after.


08102023 12:00PM

DREAM: Canada’s army is attacking an American army. A miniature-sized soldier shoots a small dot-like bullet at me. I grab the shooter with his weapon and throw him on the ground. I then try to break up the fight by saying that war is wrong, along with a slew of other explanations, and tell them nobody knows who the only consciousness is, so it’s best not to fight, lest you end up attacking the only consciousness. The two armies decide not to listen to me, and go head-to-head against each other (literally.) The Canadian and American armies start to head-butt each other and I wake up soon after.


08102023 08:00AM

DREAM: Beck Hansen and I and others (???) are setting up a live concert to play a show. Setting up the area, I can see a miniature room with little intricate items set up. At one point, it starts to rain and the whole enclosure we are under appears as if it is going to collapse. I begin my performance in a haphazard way, as I grab a metal folding chair and start banging on it in a rhythmic pattern. This is my whole performance, as I was unable to even find my set up to play any real music. Later, I find myself walking around the enclosure, and on the other side is a mansion made of brown bricks. I tell people in the audience that no photography is allowed and I go around the perimeter of the enclosure to make sure nobody is trying to take any photos or videos. I was describing these events as a version of Nirvana, not meant to be re-viewed at any time. Later, Beck Hansen sings a song saying, “some say, you suffered in her place.”


08102023 02:38AM

DREAM: Alienbabe is in the dream. I put my feet up near her and you can smell them even though my shoes are on. She gets upset and says she wants to leave me. I tell her I made my shoes stink on purpose to see if she was superficial. Later, Trent Reznor has a candy collection that he is trying to organize. I see a panel on the floor of nothing but chocolate. I get into a lazy river that is made of nothing but candy. Later, on a ride of some kind. “The ride costs, kind of like, 2 dollars or something.” I hear someone say this as I wake up.


08092023 06:00PM

DREAM: I am at a theme park of some kind. I start roller skating for what seems like a long time. I start singing in a strange falsetto voice. The scenery keeps changing. At one point, I am trying to maneuver my way through an obstacle, as it appears there are multiple circular saws coming out of the ground. Later, I find a doorway that is human shaped. I try to enter but there are people blocking my path. I wait for them to leave and then, moments later, I enter the human-shaped doorway. I end up in an enclosed space and I start thinking I am about to exit the theme park. There is a huge area that says “ATM” and then there is an area for collecting gold. I see large golden coins off in the distance. I realize at this point, that I am lost and I no longer know where the people I came with are. I try to leave the enclosed area, and as soon as I do that, I hear my party calling out to me. I cannot see them for some reason, but they tell me that they are where the maps are. We end up meeting up at what looks like an arcade game with a mirror on the screen so I can see myself. I, however, do not look like the real me. On top of this, the party I was with can only be seen through the mirror in the arcade-style booth. However, I finally am able to see at least one of the people that I saw through the mirror without the aid of looking through the mirror. The person only vaguely looked familiar and seemed to look different when I wasn’t looking in the mirror to see them.


08092023 12:00PM

DREAM: I wake up on a couch unlike the one I am currently sleeping on. I walk outside of my house and I see my mother at first. Then I see an unknown black woman. I approach her and she hands me a puffy bag of marijuana. At first I try to hide this from my mother, who is near-by, but then I decide to make a spectacle of it and show it off. I end up going for a walk with this unknown black woman, who is apparently my drug dealer. Even though I don’t find her particularly attractive, I start kissing her. Her face morphs a few times and as I am kissing her, her eyes look very small and close together and her skin is now a dark sand color. Later, I wake up on a couch again, and this time I walk into a kitchen. I try to fly but for some reason, I cannot. I find a black toy frame of a truck. I start playing with this toy truck frame and flip it over a few times. I then pretend I am driving the truck (even though it is actually very small and I would not be able to fit inside of it.) I then go outside, but when I turn the corner, I am met with a concrete wall. I try to go back into the house and it appears the kitchen is moving and it looks like a glitch is happening. I then wake up again on a couch, and try to get up. This time, however, I feel paralyzed. I then notice my father is sitting on the opposite end of the couch where my feet are. I start yelling, “help me, help me!” I suspect my father being at the end of the couch is the reason why I wasn’t able to move. I wake up soon after.


08062023 03:24PM

DREAM: There is a lazy river pool that I have in my backyard. The pool’s color is currently green. I start making a commotion that it needs to be blue. I say that I am going to clean it out now. I did not get into the pool because it is green. Towards the end of the dream, I see that the color for a certain portion of it has turned clear. Later, someone is eating salad out of a garbage can. After that, I start using a black permanent marker to make signs protesting something. There was text on the sign, but I couldn’t read it (and it probably did not make any sense anyway.)


08062023 09:26AM

DREAM: Apparently, there is some kind of group sex activity going on in a near-by neighborhood. I get on my laptop in my car, and I am looking at something, but I cannot remember what that something is. All I remember is that some aspect of it was artistically rendered. From what I have gathered, Alienbabe wants to go to this sex orgy or whatever it is. When we show up at some unknown person’s house, people are getting undressed and getting ready to have sex. Also, it should be mentioned that it is going to be filmed. I am getting uncomfortable about doing this and I still have my clothes on. Alienbabe is wearing all of her clothes as well. A woman approaches me and mentions something about venereal disease. I am guessing she is telling me, in so many words, that she has venereal disease. This revelation makes me even more uncomfortable, and I attempt to leave. I tell Alienbabe that I need to find my shoes, and then we are leaving. I have one shoe on, and the other is missing. I find a shoe that looks like mine but it is enlarged so it does not fit. I realize later though, that my shoe was inside the larger shoe, so I managed to get all my shoes on. After Alienbabe and I leave, we end up at a school cafeteria. My friend C.H. is there. I end up falling over as a beach ball is passed to me. I say something about being God as I pass the ball to other side of the room. Then, for some reason, someone starts playing videos. As I think I am watching the videos, I end up actually participating in them. What happens next is, some kind of sanding device ends up on my arm and starts sanding flesh off my arm. It is at this point that I realize these are not just videos playing, but real life events (at least in dream terms.) Then later, some military videos start playing, and I get upset. I start making nasty comments about the military and wondering out loud why they are playing military videos. It is at this point that I realize Alienbabe has left. I get up and say out: Where are the DMT videos? As soon as I say this, everything starts looking orange and bright and blurry. I guess I created a mass effect by shouting that statement to everyone around me. After this happens, I reach for my cellphone to contact Alienbabe, but I wake up before I can reach her.